Interactive Multimedia Dance Performance

A meeting of two artists from the world of interactive art. Valentina Moar, choreographer, dances her new piece ‚Built to Last‘ in a digital environment of large-scale video projections by multimedia artist Paolo Scoppola. Every detail of Moar’s movements is converted into digital data streams by a motion-tracking system and transformed by Scoppola into utopian images and landscapes – a digital body.
„The body is the zero point of the world, the place where paths and spaces cross. The body itself is nowhere.“ (M. Foucault)
Choreography and direction: Valentina Moar
Multimedia Interaction Design: Paolo Scoppola
Bass: Reinhard Ziegerhofer
Dance: Valentina Moar
Outside Eye: Sarah Taylor
Sound Design: Marco Schretter
Licht Design: Ralf Beyer
Supported by: Stadt Graz Kultur, Land Steiermark Kultur, Europa, Sport
September 2022 – Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum Graz – AUSTRIA