Dance on Screen is invited to the 21. Internationales Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival in Stuttgart.
Valentina Moar, artistic director of Dance on Screen, presents 7 films from the second edition of and one film from the first edition of Dance on Screen:
Vinicius Cardoso – Crushing weight
Justine Berthillot & Frédéri Vernier – Sur ton dos
Aliki Chiotaki – 60 pulses
Filomena Rusciano – Liquid path
Valentina Moar – DanceMe Reininghaus
Stella Fotiadi – Whispers and wishes
Galen Bremer – Know you
Natalia Sardi – Vecinas
Dance on Screen will be presented the last day of the festival, after the showing of the finalists‘ solos and before the jury awards delivery.
Sunday 19th March 2017, from 5pm
Treffpunkt, Rotebühlplatz 28, Stuttgart